In the beginning was the Word

The Christian Bible starts with In the beginning was the Word…”. The Word is all powerful and it can change the course of the World, of groups, and of individuals. Here we strive to find the Word that has meaning to you. To put you on the right path, one of compassion and love. We must find it in our hearts to do what’s right and to be better humans.

I am Reverend Thomas Ott, an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church in good standing since June 7, 1998. I do not believe in organized religion, rather I believe in kitchen table religion. One that is approachable and has meaning to your life. The moral compass and spiritual guides that we seek should assist us throughout our life to be better people, for all faiths, denominations, creeds, races, and orientations, and lifestyles. We are open for business to anyone seeking the good Word and to better themselves.

We are a ministry but not designated as a non-profit church (as of yet). We only seek to preach the Word and messages of compassion to one another for the time being. If our message grows than we will take the next step.

Reverend Thomas Ott reverendthomasott at


August 7, 2024